Fitnessinhome’s Weblog

March 24, 2009

P90 X Day 60

Filed under: P90X - My Success for the next 90 Days "bring it!" — fitnessinhome @ 3:58 pm

Day 60 From Here and Beyond

This is it the last 30 days or at least close to it! This is where Shanna and I bring it all together , take what we have accomplished and shift the goals into hyper drive.  Today we separate the men from the boys, or in Shanna’s case the women from the little girls, and peak on Shanna’s bicep tells me she’s just tapped the potential of her physique .  Honestly you should should see her strike a pose, there’s defiantly difference between when she first started.  As you can tell I like to take the attention away from myself and give credit to those who deserve credit, and usually that’s people around me and in my life who I ultimately care and love.  Shanna has been a great motivator since the beginning of the program, and I hope I have done the same in return.  Each day is a new Challenge and each day I see improved progress in my physique and overall health.   These last 30 days I want to loose 7lbs, and improve my overall muscle definition.  As a report before I was sitting it around 17% body fat, Im closer to 15.6% and have been so for the last 3 or 4 days so I hope to make a major impact on these numbers in 30 days. So in the proceeding days I would like to post a picture of our progress and welcome any comments and questions regarding to the P90X program

Thanks .


  1. I’m finishing up my second week and feling good. In two weeks I dropped 4 lbs and can complete 10 chin ups with loosing form. My wife and I started the program two weeks ago and she already fell off the wagon, but it’s hard for her since she works all day and I’m currently looking for work. I’ve noticed an increase in energy and motivation. I’m not into the nutrient plan but I’m trying to lay off alot of the sweets. Sodas are my week spot. I’m currently starting to look into the recover shakes and see which one is the best to use. Do you have any recommendations?

    Comment by eryon216 — March 24, 2009 @ 4:29 pm

    • Hi eryon 216

      In response to helping you choose a recovery shake, I recommend you look at a few things before you choose one that you like. Since the P90X workouts can be grueling it’s important to consume the shake or recovery drink within an hour after you workout, and no later than this. This is important because it’s the most efficient time to supply our muscles with nutrients. Those nutrients will aid in muscle building and repair , for example the carbohydrates will aid in growth and the protein will aid in repairing the damaged muscle tissue. You will want a drink mix or shake that has a 4 to 1 Carbohydrate ratio to Protein , there is a reason behind this ratio , however that’s not important ( I believe I explain this in another one of my posts). That means that 1 serving as labeled on the back of the nutritional information should read as the following; 1 serving = 1 or 2 scoops with 10 -15 grams of protein and 40 to 50 grams of carbohydrates. I know I can easily recommend a product (which I will) however I want to provide some insights as to why I choose the products I do, and if you don’t like the taste of what I recommend at least you can find something else with the nutritional attributes that are essential. So I recommend the following because of their efficiency and great taste and I find them to be of the best quality.

      1. MHP’s Dark Matter – blue berry is awesome, word of advice it mixes thick like Jello actually the fruit punch flavor kinda taste like jello , I use a magic bullet with 2 ice cubes and water filled close to the brim, pulse it first and than blend.
      2. Chocolate Milk – relatively cheap and it taste good, I would only use this as an alternative if you run out of the dark matter , consume about 375ml after your work out, I do find I can get gassy even though I’m not lactose intolerant
      3. 250 ml mixed fruit juice with 1/2 scoop of whey protein.
      4. endro X

      On a personal note I really like Dark Matter, it can be costly, however since your only using once per day and only on workout days it should last you awhile

      Comment by fitnessinhome — March 25, 2009 @ 8:35 pm

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