Fitnessinhome’s Weblog

February 26, 2009

P90X Phase 2 Day 4 and 5

Wow it’s been a month so far and the results Shanna and I achieved have been nothing short of awesome.  First off Shanna can do 3 unassisted  chin ups,  a month ago she couldn’t even do one.  I took a picture of her back muscles, which I’m trying to figure how to upload to the blog. argghh – okay I figure it out so you can see the nice definition she has developed.  Myself I’m down to 209lbs so that’s 11 pounds to date.  My initial goal was to loose 20 lbs and be at 200lbs.  Once I reach 200lbs I will judge how I look and more importantly how I feel, and than from there I will decide if I would like to loose more weight. (195lbs).  I feel pretty strong right now, my biggest fear would be to loose my strength if I go any lower than 195lbs.  I just want to maintain a good balance between aesthetics and strength.   Once again I still like the weight routines of the P90X workout especially in Phase 2.  The turning bucket is one of Shanna’s favourite, as it works the infraspinatous , which makes up part of the rotator cuff.  Well nothing much more to report, I will keep everyone updated as our goals progress.

Remember to “Bring it” People

Me sneaking a shot while Shanna does a chin up

Me sneaking a shot while Shanna does a chin up

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