Fitnessinhome’s Weblog

March 18, 2009

Filed under: P90X - My Success for the next 90 Days "bring it!" — Tags: , , , , — fitnessinhome @ 3:34 pm


Its been a real busy 2 weeks, and I believe that was the last time I reported on the blog.  Don’t worry everyone, Shanna and I haven’t fallen off track . In fact were going stronger than ever ; I’m personally making the best improvements yet.  Shanna is keeping with the program and it’s finalizing the refinements of her already awesome physique.  I decided to purchase a body fat scale , and my body fat % was at 17.4% .  I remember way back when I recorded my body on a body fat scale and I remember it being close to 29%.  That’s an obvious difference and to date I’ve lost 13 lbs .  I did notice that the body fat scale can be greatly influenced by the amount of fluid you have in your body.  Upon waking it’s likely to read to read higher because your likely to be dehydrated .  I was noticing a range from anywhere from 16% to 20 % in a day.  Although I was getting a more average and constant reading between 4pm and 7pm.  So I now take my reading around this time.  So I currently sit at 207lbs , down from 220lbs when I started.  I now record my weight on 2 scales an analog , which says I’m 207 and the body fat scale which is digital and it reads 209.  An obvious difference of two pounds.  The question is which one do I trust.  They say an analog scale is more accurate, however you have to understand this is a cheap scale and I would suspect that the digital scale because of it’s high level of quality and precision is probably a little more accurate.  regardless of the fact I still lost the same amount of weight.

In addition to the recovery week , Shanna and I are also jogging for about 30 to 40 minutes a day.  Listening to my Zune and keeping pace with the up beat tempo, I find it a lot easier to jog.  Yesterday was a different story I was dreading the rest of our jog, when my MP3 decided to conk out after 10 minutes.  I only have myself to blame I didn’t charge it after it’s last several uses.  Doing the P90x has opened the possibility to jog with more ease, the last time I jogged was almost a year and a half ago.  During that time I was having trouble completing even 15 minutes.  Now I can do 30 minutes right off the bat. This has a lot to do with the kenpo x, plyo x and the elevated intensity of the rest of the P90x workouts.  The P90X will improve all qualities of your fitness endeavours .

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