Fitnessinhome’s Weblog

May 29, 2009

Post p90x and beyond

Hello everyone, remember me, yes I know it’s been awhile since Ive graced the pages of word press.  However while everyone was wondering where I was, and eventually lost track of my where about, rest assured I have been hard at work.  P90x has come and gone and my final result was a weight loss of 22lbs.  Since then I have been working out diligently to maintain what I have accomplished.  You can see from my previous post that I indeed made progress. Now to be honest I did find the progress to be a little slower compared to what I am normally used to.  This is probably because I`m 31 and not 18.  Trust me it`s much different!  I feel much stronger than I did when I was 18 , and my cardiovascular is top notch, man oh man I’m a right off at night, which could be the reason I sleep so soundly.  I remember having boundless amounts of energy way back when , often times so much I would burn my self out. So I have learned from my experience.  I don`t claim to be some gym rat and no I don`t look like one of those freakish bodybuilders (not that there`s anything wrong with that) .  I do claim to know what it means to drive intensity and not to quit.  Sometimes we have to look deep in ourselves to drive the intensity home.  The reality is we have to check the bs at the door, leave it there and concentrate on the now.  You know your going to have to suffer a little while to get to where you want to go.  Would a marathon running quit because there legs are cramping and they don`t have anything left in there tank because they hit the wall ? No! Would a boxer give up after 10 rounds if they didn’t think they had just as good of a chance at that title fight? No! and would you , yes you only bring only 50% of your intensity to your workout ,only to discover you get a quarter of the results in return? NO, NO and NO!!!  It`s true we cannot mathematically give more than 100% , we can however accomplish more than our expectations , and the limit is sometimes locked in an excuse, laziness and lack of focus.

I have  a task everyone, tonight when your done work, go home and divide a page in half, on one side write down the heading NOW!!, on the second half write the heading VERY SOON!!.  Notice I didn`t want you to write the word “Later“ the reason is that later means just that later; putting it off, when we see a movie trailer , were captivated by the words coming soon.  So your goals are you top priority .  On the Now side write down 3 goals; whatever they may be (please be realistic) goal 1- should be a goal you can accomplish in 30 days time.  goal 2- a goal you can succeed in 60 days, however try making it compatible with goal one, so they work in tandem and give power to one another, and goal 3- should be a goal with a 3 month time frame.  In retrospect 3 months isn`t all that long, it really does go by in the blink of an eye.  Goal 3 should also be a summary of your first two accomplishment`s .  If loosing weight is your motivation, than here`s how you can summarize your first 3 months

NOW !!!

Goal 1 – start and exercise program, by consulting the help of a personal trainer 3 x week and doing aerobic`s on my own 2 x a week.  If I maintain this consistency I should feel much better than now.  As well, I had a meeting with a nutritionist and she advised me to eliminate all refined carbohydrates.  (sound advice) I should expect to at least feel better and loose a minimal amount of fat weight my goal 5 to 10lbs.

Goal 2- I have maintained my consistency and have also familiarized myself with the importance of adding a lean protein to each meal, I feel much more energized and have lost a total of 7lbs , My trainer says it`s time to switch up the routine a bit and he also said that I should start doing at least one weight routine on my own.  My trainer is mixing things up by introducing some interval style training program (looking forward to that) my goal this time around in the next 30days months is to loose at least 10 lbs .

Goal 3- Wow 2 months have passed and only 30 more days to the end of my NOW!!! goals , I worked extra hard and I was 1lb shy of my goal weight of 10lbs, however the big picture I`ve lost a total of 16lbs .  My trainer says I have two options; my next goal in 30 days is to still work and loose 4 lbs to make things nice and easy.  Don`t over stress the body too much (it can back fire) or go full tilt , and see what my limits are.  My nutritionist continues to give me sound advice and keeping a food journal really helps .  I will go the recovery route and temporarily let my body heal and I will have lost 20lbs in total.

Post – 90 days- I have accomplished out what I set out to do.  By following the advice and guidance of my personal trainer and providing consent feedback to my nutritionist I was able to loose a total of 22lbs of body fat .  I feel great.

So as you can see the goals are working in tandem with one another.  The VERY SOON !!! Goals, should follow in the same fashion; Goal 1- 6 months , Goal 2- 9 months and Goal 3 -12 months.  If you can`t realize your potential in 12months time , I would have to say your missing the point, in order to for something to become habit we have to repeat 66,ooo times (think about that for a second) .  Always be realistic with yourself and never bite more than you can chew.

Thank you everyone and keep logging in for more informative posts

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